resolving conflict.
Conflict occurs within every organisation and from time to time, you will have to deal with a customer or client who is very upset.
Conflict can occur within any organisation and from time to time, you may have to deal with a colleague, employee, customer or client who is very upset.
If mismanaged or ignored, conflict can become bad for business. If you don’t adequately address and resolve conflict, it can negatively impact customer or employee retention, loyalty and brand awareness.
why come on the course?
Do you sometimes get emotionally involved in work conversations?
Do you find it hard to be objective and take your own feelings and judgements out of situations?
Do you often dread or put off having that tricky chat and hope the situation will just go away?
If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, then this course is definitely for you.
What is it?
A very interactive, theatre-based session, facilitated by our expert trainer and working with 2 professional actors.
We’ll explore how emotions can trigger escalated situations, look at how we can use effective communication skills to diffuse conflict, and understand what steps can be taken to proactively reduce the risk of future conflict situations.
What will I do on the day?
Through lots of observational, practical activities and discussion, you’ll develop your understanding of how conflict arises, looking at different types of behaviour and their impact.
Working with our actors, you’ll begin to recognise how to manage both yourself and others in a conflict situation, enabling you to feel more confident in your ability to support conflict resolution.
embedding the learning.
This course is delivered using observational and participative theatre based learning. Our actors support the delivery of this course by showing how conflict can arise and the triggers.
We explore theory and practical techniques that can manage, reduce and avoid conflict. Learners will leave this session with clarity on how to handle conflict situations and how to best protect themselves and their own wellbeing should it occur.
Learning Outcomes.
By the end of this course, learners will be able to:
- Describe how the choices we make can influence the emotions and behaviours of others.
- Define the skills required to effectively diffuse a potentially difficult or aggressive situation and ultimately keep safe.
- Demonstrate confidence and competence in a variety of conflict management situations.
- Demonstrate effective and proactive skills which can be used reduce the risk of conflict in the workplace.
Some faq's about our resolving conflict training.
0.1 What is Theatre based learning?
Theatre Based Learning is the technique we use to bring learning to life by using our actors to perform scenarios, based on real case studies.
Theatre Based Learning can be either observational (where learners watch scenes and discuss) OR participative (where we use techniques like real-play and practice, forum where learners interact with the actors and direct them or hot-seating where learners give feedback to individual characters and make suggestions).
0.2What are the benefits of Resolving Conflict training?
video showcase.
Discussing and learning in the traditional ‘class-room’ is effective, but long-term memory is better stimulated by having an experience. Our approach using experiential and drama based methods delivers this and leads to more sustained learning.
Download our Guide to Resolving Conflict Training.
To find out how we can support your team in resolving conflict, download our free guide.
theatre of learning delivering sustained blended learning.
Our training is observational and participative, using teams of actors to bring it to life. We recognise that taking part in role-play is not for everyone, so we offer observational training – this is where two of our acting team demonstrate scenes related to the course and delegates observe and comment on the behaviors. Where a business is more confident working with actors, we take this to the next level with participative training so delegates get to practice their newly learnt skills.
sustain and maintain learning.
All our learners have full access to our ted learning HUB – our bespoke platform that enables all learners to continue the engagement with the trainer and actors, see latest case-studies and blogs from the ted learning team and engage with other learners, discussing their own challenges and successes.
Desktop, mobile, or tablet - the ted HuB engages learners with training accessible anytime, anywhere, on any device.
theatre based learning courses.
Meet our team of trainers and facilitators.
Still have questions?
To find out how we can inspire your leaders and managers to achieve their potential for themselves and for your business, please get in touch.