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First Steps into Team Leading.

This course will give the immediate skills required to manage a first team.

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ilm first steps into team leading

LET'S TALK ABOUT First Steps into Team Leading.

This programme is endorsed by the ILM as high quality management training. Over the course of 4 monthly workshops, you’ll be supported to make the transition from a team member to a team leader.


why come on the course?

Have you been promoted into your first Team Leading role?

Are you looking for some initial management training to help you transition from colleague to team leader?

Do you want the move from one of the team to Team Leader to be a successful one?

Do you have concerns about how to delegate to people that were previously work colleagues?

If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, then this course is definitely for you.


What is it?

This programme runs over a period of around 5 months, with 4 workshops, most of which are full day sessions.

Each of these workshops focuses on key aspects of team leadership, such as delegation and how to manage challenging situations.

Each workshop builds on the last, so that you can apply the skills you’re learning to specific situations. After each workshop, you’ll complete 1 or 2 short journal entries where you reflect on a specific aspect of the session, thinking about how it relates to your situation and job role.

These journal entries form the assessment of your learning and you’ll get individual written feedback on each of these to help you improve and apply your skills. At the end of the programme you’ll receive a certificate from the ILM in recognition of your achievement.


What will I do on the programme?

Each workshop is different, but they’re all interactive and practical. Some workshops are theatre-based, where our actors will bring scenarios and behaviours to life, helping you to apply skills in practice.

By the end of the programme, you’ll be able to focus on your own development and ready to lead your team effectively.

embedding the learning.

An Endorsed programme is very different to a qualification based one - there are no assignments after each workshop for example.

However, we do ask learners in order to complete this programme to write a reflective journal after each workshop on how they will use the learning and embed it into their daily lives back at work.

Each workshop is a month apart and we give time for the learners to take the learning back to the workplace and each trainer provides a link to the previous and next workshop so the programme feels very joined up.

ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training
ilm first steps into team leading
ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training

Learning Outcomes.

By the end of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Identify challenges faced in the transition into a team leader role and suggest strategies to overcome these.
  • Explain how effective delegation and task management supports the achievement of team goals.
  • Outline effective approaches to use when managing difficult situations and / or people.
  • Identify areas for further development to support professional progression.

Some faq's about ILM Training.

0.1 What is Theatre based learning?

Theatre Based Learning is the technique we use to bring learning to life by using our actors to perform scenarios, based on real case studies.

Theatre Based Learning can be either observational (where learners watch scenes and discuss) OR participative (where we use techniques like real-play and practice, forum where learners interact with the actors and direct them or hot-seating where learners give feedback to individual characters and make suggestions).

0.2What are the benefits of Endorsed Management training?
A standard ILM programme does have assignments linked to each workshop. This can be overwhelming to some who have left education behind or have strong management potential, but perhaps aren't very academic. This programme blends a joined up learning experience, with workshops tailored to your business along with reflective journals and discussion on how the learning is being used. This leads to longevity and more likelihood of the skills being embedded.

video showcase.

Discussing and learning in the traditional ‘class-room’ is effective, but long-term memory is better stimulated by having an experience. Our approach using experiential and drama based methods delivers this and leads to more sustained learning.

Download our Guide to first steps into team leading.

Learn more about how ted Learning delivers this ILM endorsed training.

    theatre of learning delivering sustained blended learning.

    Our training is observational and participative, using teams of actors to bring it to life. We recognise that taking part in role-play is not for everyone, so we offer observational training – this is where two of our acting team demonstrate scenes related to the course and delegates observe and comment on the behaviors. Where a business is more confident working with actors, we take this to the next level with participative training so delegates get to practice their newly learnt skills.

    ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training
    ted Learning - blended courses
    ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training
    ted Learning - blended courses

    sustain and maintain learning.

    All our learners have full access to our ted learning HuB – our bespoke platform that enables all learners to continue the engagement with the trainer and actors, see latest case-studies and blogs from the ted learning team and engage with other learners, discussing their own challenges and successes.

    Desktop, mobile, or tablet - the ted HuB engages learners with training accessible anytime, anywhere, on any device.


    Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress

    Meet our team of trainers and facilitators.

    Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress

    Still have questions?

    To find out how we can inspire your leaders and managers to achieve their potential for themselves and for your business, please get in touch.

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