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ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training
Mental Health New Normal

Looking after your Mental Health

For a large number of us, working from home (perhaps once a pipe-dream) has been a reality for some time now. We’ve got our heads around the video calls, we’ve sorted our new uniform of comfy trousers and Smart Work Top, we’ve worked out how to juggle home-schooling and virtual ...
anxious conversations

Anxious Conversation – In the New Normal

With lockdown restrictions easing and the country tentatively feeling its way through the early stages of our new normal, the prospect of returning to the workplace is raising anxiety levels for many of us. As businesses invite their people back into the workplace, managers are likely to be dealing with emotional ...
ted learning blog

Feelings, Thoughts and Actions

On a recent holiday I had a negative customer service experience. The inconsistent customer care of the companies with whom I was interacting got me thinking about the different things that lead us to act or not act; specifically, thoughts versus feelings. This distinction is highlighted in psychometric personality tests, which ...
ted learning training blog

“A Cold Shower Every Morning, You’re Crazy!!”

Last year, quite spontaneously, I embarked on 100 consecutive days of wild swimming after reading an inspiring article about Beth Francis and her battle with a debilitating migraine. Like many others who struggle with their mental health, I occasionally experience periods of uncharacteristic dark moods, or as Winston Churchill called it, ...
back to work worry

The Anxious Conversation

Whether the Prime Minister’s latest announcement gave us clarity or otherwise, for those who can’t work from home, the prospect of returning to the workplace has raised anxiety levels for many. What is clear, is that if we are to invite colleagues back to work, we need to do so with ...
Acts of Kindness

Acts of Kindness

Back in January I was working in Birmingham, delivering another ted Learning Special Assignment, as I have been on and off over the previous couple of months. I was struck by the number of homeless people in the city centre. As do many other people, I walked on by. I suppose trying ...
ted Learning - Theatre of Learning Drama based training

Working from Home

For many of us still working, the kitchen tables is our new office, the sofa our new break-out area. It’s a strange time and we’re learning to navigate the joys of sharing overloaded wi-fi with socially-starved teenagers, furloughed partners participating in endless Zoom quizzes and sugar-laden tweens begrudgingly star-jumping with ...
Mental Health and Wellbeing ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training

The Challenge: Managing Yourself

If you’ve read our article Doing the Best by Yourself you’ll know that self-management doesn’t mean pushing yourself to do more than you can. Just as you would try to create the optimum conditions for your team to succeed, it’s worth thinking about the things you can do to help ...
why worry about worry

Why You Should Be Worried About Worry

Every year, in November, we have National Stress Awareness Day – a good way to raise awareness for what is becoming an epidemic in the working world. This week we’ve been thinking about what might be the cumulative impact of worry on productivity. How can tackling worry on an individual level ...
Doing the best by yourself ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training

Doing the Best by Yourself

There’s a lot of self-help literature out there about how helping others is actually a good way to help yourself. One of our favourite mantras at ted Learning – one that is often forgotten in the workplace – works the other way around: ‘Doing the best by yourself in order ...