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ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training
Hybrid Teams

Leading your Hybrid Team

The events of the last year have according to all experts and many businesses, changed the way we will be working forever. The mass return to the office will not be happening and instead, a more hybrid way of working will continue, or in fact start, given millions of people ...
Action Centred Leadership in the New Norm .docx

Action Centred Leadership in the New Normal

‘Oh yes, I’ve seen that on so many leadership courses……” Go on any management or leadership programme and at some point, John Adair’s Action Centred Leadership Model will pop up on the Powerpoint slide, (that wouldn’t be a ted course then). A little bit of a history lesson here; Did you know that ...

Rebuilding Team Dynamics

One of the most glorious things about working in a team is that everyone is different. One of the most challenging things about working in a team is that everyone is different. Both of these statements are true. Tricky, isn’t it? And then we add a global pandemic into the mix. Some of your staff ...
Hybrid teams in the new normal

Leading your Hybrid Team

Remember the good old days when you could get the headlines on a new project’s progress in the morning team meeting? Get to grips with how a new team member is settling in over coffee? Share new ideas in creative brainstorming meetings? Celebrate successes with an early Friday finish rounded ...
Embrace working from home

Embrace Remote Working

In 2015 ONS statistics showed that 4.2 million people across a variety of sectors were working from home. In April 2020 the ONS released figures showing 49.2% of adults in employment were working from home as a result of social distancing measures. In Buffers 2019 State of Remote Work Report 99% ...
ted learning

Let’s Go Fly A Kite

Let’s Go Fly A Kite” George Banks, 1964 Play is a waste of time and energy. Play is for kids. We are grown-ups and we have a job to get on with! So there. During my time as Learning and Development Manager with TransPennine Express, one of my responsibilities was to organise ...
let's talk about first steps into management

Manage your team in these challenging times

This week in the virtual ted Learning office, reading lots of content online about how to manage your team in these challenging times, we’ve been thinking about the essential and desirable qualities of an effective manager, and how we recognise these, even when we may not be that adept at ...