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ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training
Mental Health New Normal

Looking after your Mental Health

For a large number of us, working from home (perhaps once a pipe-dream) has been a reality for some time now. We’ve got our heads around the video calls, we’ve sorted our new uniform of comfy trousers and Smart Work Top, we’ve worked out how to juggle home-schooling and virtual ...
Embrace working from home

Embrace Remote Working

In 2015 ONS statistics showed that 4.2 million people across a variety of sectors were working from home. In April 2020 the ONS released figures showing 49.2% of adults in employment were working from home as a result of social distancing measures. In Buffers 2019 State of Remote Work Report 99% ...
anxious conversations

Anxious Conversation – In the New Normal

With lockdown restrictions easing and the country tentatively feeling its way through the early stages of our new normal, the prospect of returning to the workplace is raising anxiety levels for many of us. As businesses invite their people back into the workplace, managers are likely to be dealing with emotional ...