ted Learning Australia | theatre based learning

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ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training
ted Learning - Theatre of Learning Drama based training

Working from Home

For many of us still working, the kitchen tables is our new office, the sofa our new break-out area. It’s a strange time and we’re learning to navigate the joys of sharing overloaded wi-fi with socially-starved teenagers, furloughed partners participating in endless Zoom quizzes and sugar-laden tweens begrudgingly star-jumping with ...
Brave Conversations - Difficult Conversations - Giving Feedback

Giving Feedback – Brave Conversations

A few years ago I was working on a joint project with a colleague in a similar role to me within our wider team – we’d allocated out the work we would each complete, and as we were based in different parts of the country we liaised mainly over email. Partway ...
Presentation Skills Training Course - Theatre of Learning Drama based training

Presentation Skills

I travel around various organisations supporting people who want to get better at presenting. Some are presenting for the first time; others are experienced presenters but want to be more engaging or have more impact when they communicate to others. This blog is designed to help anyone who is going to ...
why worry about worry

Why You Should Be Worried About Worry

Every year, in November, we have National Stress Awareness Day – a good way to raise awareness for what is becoming an epidemic in the working world. This week we’ve been thinking about what might be the cumulative impact of worry on productivity. How can tackling worry on an individual level ...