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ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training
ted learning blog

Feelings, Thoughts and Actions

On a recent holiday I had a negative customer service experience. The inconsistent customer care of the companies with whom I was interacting got me thinking about the different things that lead us to act or not act; specifically, thoughts versus feelings. This distinction is highlighted in psychometric personality tests, which ...
ted learning training blog

“A Cold Shower Every Morning, You’re Crazy!!”

Last year, quite spontaneously, I embarked on 100 consecutive days of wild swimming after reading an inspiring article about Beth Francis and her battle with a debilitating migraine. Like many others who struggle with their mental health, I occasionally experience periods of uncharacteristic dark moods, or as Winston Churchill called it, ...
Working from home

Be a Great Leader – Without Even Being There 

Working from home is great, isn’t it? No commute (or a train delay, or traffic jam) to spoil your mood before you’ve got to your desk; no worry over missing the Amazon delivery; and you can even wear your slippers for that video conference. But when you work closely with a ...
isolated leader

The Isolated Leader

In my recent article; National Tea Day and the Art of Fika, I wrote of the importance of maintaining a sense of being part of a team and belonging during these times of social distancing and working from home. As we know, it is the responsibility of each and every ...
back to work worry

The Anxious Conversation

Whether the Prime Minister’s latest announcement gave us clarity or otherwise, for those who can’t work from home, the prospect of returning to the workplace has raised anxiety levels for many. What is clear, is that if we are to invite colleagues back to work, we need to do so with ...
Acts of Kindness

Acts of Kindness

Back in January I was working in Birmingham, delivering another ted Learning Special Assignment, as I have been on and off over the previous couple of months. I was struck by the number of homeless people in the city centre. As do many other people, I walked on by. I suppose trying ...
ted learning

Let’s Go Fly A Kite

Let’s Go Fly A Kite” George Banks, 1964 Play is a waste of time and energy. Play is for kids. We are grown-ups and we have a job to get on with! So there. During my time as Learning and Development Manager with TransPennine Express, one of my responsibilities was to organise ...

‘Tick the box’ compliance.

"We want to deliver Inclusion Training, so that we can 'Tick the box' and show compliance." But will this add long-term benefits and really change your culture and importantly your people’s behaviours?  I believe the answer is a resounding no unless this type of training is directly linked to your company values.  I believe ...