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ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training
ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training

Interviews – a two way decision making process

We often forget that an interview is a two way decision making process. Many interviewing Managers believe it’s their decision alone as to whether a candidate is successful and joins the team. The reality is that the candidate is effectively interviewing you too – does your business live up to their ...
why worry about worry

Why You Should Be Worried About Worry

Every year, in November, we have National Stress Awareness Day – a good way to raise awareness for what is becoming an epidemic in the working world. This week we’ve been thinking about what might be the cumulative impact of worry on productivity. How can tackling worry on an individual level ...
Doing the best by yourself ted Learning Theatre of Learning drama based training

Doing the Best by Yourself

There’s a lot of self-help literature out there about how helping others is actually a good way to help yourself. One of our favourite mantras at ted Learning – one that is often forgotten in the workplace – works the other way around: ‘Doing the best by yourself in order ...